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Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting:

Everyone is welcome to come join us as we do a Bible study
and then spend time in prayer.


When: Every Wednesday, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Where: At the Church


Scheduling may change seasonally;

so please make sure to contact us for a current schedule.

Prayer Meetings


Stay up to date with the work our missionaries are doing.

Kevin & Anita Warfel:

Kevin works with Wycliffe, as coordinator for "Rapid Word Collection." This program for collecting 10,000 + words in under a month, greatly speeds up the translation process, and makes the job easier for the translator.  He travels all over the world doing workshops and training Bible translators to use this technique. 


To support Kevin & Anita financially: Click Here


For updates on Kevin's work: Check out his blog - Click Here

Daniel Lee:

Daniel Lee and his family work in Guyana, South America. They have planted a church, and work to help the people in the area overcome poverty by teaching farming and other occupations.


To stay up to date, check out his facbook page: Click Here


Sunday School

Bible based teaching for all ages.

Sunday School services begin at 9:30 a.m. before the church service.

Sunday School Classes For:

  • Adults

  • Youth (6-12 Grades)

  • 4-5 Grade

  • 3-4 Grade

  • 1-2 Grade

  • Pre-K - Kindergarten

All are welcome, so come out and join us as we study together.

Sunday School
Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

We have a thriving ministry for the women in our church and community.

Contact us for more information.

Youth Ministry

Led by Kenny and Amber Watterson; in addition to Sunday School, the youth meet weekly for a special event or service project. If you or someone you know is looking for a youth group to get involved with; don't hesitate to contact us and ask for a schedule of events.

Youth do not need to attend our church to be a part of our youth ministry.

Youth Ministry
West Union Mennonite Church

Contact Us

Pastor Ed Babcock

Phone: 607-225-4421


1347 County Rt. 84

Rexville, NY   14877

Thank you for your email. You can expect to hear from us shortly.

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